в игре: июль 2028
Эта мысль несложная и не революционная, это вообще не секрет, но это та мысль, которой они между собой не делились ни разу. Грегори почти уверен, что Рон и Салли давно сошлись в солидарности на этой теме (а Рон еще и озвучивал ее при удобном случае, стоит зайти речь об их дражайшем папеньке), но он и Салли... Это что-то совершенно новое.
[QUEST #20] - Джейми до 06.05
Бенджамин Саусворт: маггловский премьер-министр, ненавидящий магию
Мэйлин Рэй: глава комиссии по обезвреживанию опасных существ

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Вы здесь » HP: Freakshow » Незавершенные эпизоды » you can't run away [05.12.2027]

you can't run away [05.12.2027]

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ВРЕМЯ: 05/12/2027
МЕСТО: pub "The Hopping Pot"
УЧАСТНИКИ: Dorian Delacour & Gilroy Brady

How could you leave us?
After the Plague, Brady doesn't come back to the Origins - too much guilt, too many troubles in his life to add to them. There are plenty of troubles in Dorian's life as well, but at least he doesn't run away from his share. They meet by accident - and they sure have a lot to talk about.



It is loud, fumy and merry at the pub this evening. It’s hot. A large group of drama arts students spread out, taking over a third of a counter and two nearest bar tables. Pretty and dazzling, loud, campy, they are able to properly represent and sell themselves. They're tired but happy. Future celebrities and/or drug addicts, we’ll see that in a couple of years.
I’m standing leaning over a column, which is covered with newspapers full of moving faces, and chat cheerfully, forgetting myself after a second drink. The other team’s star is near me, constantly putting his hand around me to tell me something.
After a day of a 9 to 18 rehearsal we all need to unwind.
So many students made it to the finals this year, they decided to do two different plays with two teams each. Also, it’s a valuable experience for freshmen, who are helping us willingly with all of the “actual real play” stuff. Now, sceneries and costumes alternate hardly slower than dialogues, the scriptwriters are at each other’s throats all the time, the actors who aren’t busy at the moment wander around repeating their lines or just chat, and the directors shout everyone to shut the hell up. Monsieur Sherwood-Wilde is so happy with the number of performances, he constantly shows up to the rehearsals unannounced.
Someone’s palm rests on my lower back. I don’t show affection, but I don’t resist either. I like attention, and I’m not used to the lack of it, despite the situation. Although I’m not sure what this bouffon is counting on, doesn’t he read any papers? My plans on tonight are not different from any other evening: I’ll get back home, take a shower, and go to bed, back to back with Agilbert, not saying a word. It’s just how it is right now.
That’s why I’m not in a hurry. That’s why I agree to drink another one. That’s why I spend time at the academy or at Origins, even though it’s not much better there because of the recent events.
It’s hard to go home, but I will go there.
I don’t have any other home.
The star hands me over a full pint, and I take two big sips immediately. Normally, I won’t take anything from other person’s hands, or leave my drinks unattended; Delacours are too attractive to allow themselves to be careless, as my mum always instructed. I don’t remember his name – sort of Scottish. I lean towards my companion to ask her what time it is.
I spot a familiar face out of the corner of my eye.
My smile vanishes as soon as I realize that I see none other than Gilroy Brady. Last time we met at the ER of St Mungo’s, while everyone was forwarded to the different quarantine wards. No one really knew what exactly happened to him, however, he wasn’t listed as one of the victims.
I was prescribed to stay in bed for a week after being released from the hospital, I also had a bandage that limited my shoulder’s mobility to almost none at all. The joint and torn tissues were alright thanks to the healers, but injured muscles and ligaments required rest. On all of the following days I popped the doubled amount of prescribed potions and apparated to the Origins to help others. Brady didn’t show, raising silent confusion in everyone.
I excused myself and approached him, barely holding myself back from poking a finger in his chest.
Where the hell have you been?” I say instead of a greeting. “I mean… How could you leave us? In such state? Couldn’t you at least say something to Davin? Or me?
My accent is so much worse when I’m raising my voice angrily (and drunk), my speech can become unintelligible, but that doesn’t stop me.
We’re fucked, and you disappear for a whole fucking month!



After the Plague, Brady had managed to run from the Origins for almost a month - an impressive achievement, really, considering that Darla and Davin, at the very least, had direct access to his house and, if willing, could apparate anywhere they wanted inside, be it a drawing-room, a bedroom, or a loo. But it seemed like Davin decided to give him time to recover and a chance to come back to them on his own, whereas Darla had enough of her own mess to sort out, so Brady gladly (not really) took the escape route they'd given him, like an escape artist he was.

It's not like he actually hoped to escape what had happened. But that's why he couldn't make himself step over the familiar threshold as if nothing had changed; if he couldn't forget that it was him, no one else, who had told them of the Plague as soon as it had started, that it was him who was the reason why they had managed to reach the Knockturn Alley before it was covered with the anti-apparition barrier... what are the chances that everyone else forgot? Would they be happy to see him at all... no, no, that wasn't so much important as - would he be able to look them in the eye? Could he?

Brady knew that not everyone had returned from the Knockturn Alley alive. It would be so much simpler, so much fairer, if he was one of those. But since he wasn't, then the least he could do is to stay out of the Origins' sight and, hopefully, out of their mind, too.

For almost a month, he managed just that. Without any extra effort, really, especially since the Plague was closely followed by that charity concert that turned to shit and ashes and took even more lives. The concert hit Dursley pretty hard, so Brady and him together hid in that little world of theirs, in the inchanted house in the forest in the middle of nowhere, caring to their wounds, trying to mend each other back to whole. But even though the wounds had mostly healed over time, the traumas hardly had. Unfortunately, one couldn't simply treat them with dittany essence.

In the end, Brady had started coming back to the outside world a lot sooner than Dursley. His leg still bothered Wade, and all in all... Anyway, Brady didn't nudge him but as for himself, he couldn't bear sitting there useless any longer. Anxiety, nightmares, and other fine chaps were still keeping him company but Brady realised that it's easier to put up with them on the go. And it's not like they magically acquired extra cash all of a sudden, so the sooner Brady could go back to work, hunting for artefacts, the better. And then maybe... Maybe, Wade's shop still got a chance to survive.

For now, though, walking the streets and shops of London felt ambitious enough.

And a pub, yeah, why not? Brady's favourite hot spot used to be The White Wyvern - the first "adult" pub he was ever served at, the place where met his first friend after school and got so shit-faced he failed to remember how he landed himself his first job, Brady had been faithful to the Wyvern for years, up until... yeah, well. He didn't know for sure if the Wyvern had re-opened or not, if anything there had re-opened, in fact, but he wasn't in any haste to check. Walking was fine - the last thing he needed was war flashbacks from the sight of the familiar cobbled stones. That kind of shit he wasn't ready for just yet.

Therefore, The Hopping Pot. Either out of naivety or foolishness, Brady doesn't think he'll bump into anybody he knows here. Or, rather, he kind of expects this could happen but for some reason, he doesn't think it would be anyone of the Origins. And even if this is the case, why would they want to deal with him at all?

So, no, he doesn't expect to turn away from the counter, having just placed an order, and - Dorian, it's Dorian, right in front of him, the gold of his curls and the anger of his voice and his take on personal space, very loose. No hi from him, no how-have-you-been, but also - no it-was-you! and no punching in the face as Brady would've predicted.

Dorian is mad, Dorian is hurt but the reason is so unexpected it takes some time before Brady understands what has just been thrown at him in a passionate, slightly accentuated stream of words. Dorian is obviously drunk but it doesn't matter for now, doesn't hinder the message. So Brady gets it - and feels lost. Catches the light reflected from the golden curls and with a sinking feeling in his chest understands that the last time he last saw Dorian was that morning in the Knockturn Alley. They were separated soon after and... the thing is - and it's the most awful thing to come around to - Brady couldn't be sure, not until this second, this meeting, that he will ever see Dorian alive again. It's been a month, and he still hasn't mustered enough courage to find out the names of those who died that day. Coward.

He doesn't know what his face reflects at this precise moment but the guilt hits him so hard, the realization of his utter cowardice makes him so sick that Brady desperately wants to cover it with his hands. Of course, he doesn't.

He opens his mouth instead and:

'I didn't know... I wasn't sure you'd want to see me,' comes out almost quieter than could be heard in the noisy pub, next to the wild crowd, apparently from the W.A.D.A. Brady almost can't look Dorian straight in the eye but he tries, his gaze constantly slipping away to something more bearable, to some or other bloke behind Dorian's shoulder, anyone or anything at all. He tries louder: 'How is everyone? How's Davin? How... how are you?'

Someone pocks him in the shoulder then and Brady's been so tense, so strung out, that he flinches from the touch - but it's just a barman, handing him the cocktail. Brady looks into the depth of the stuff he's ordered back when he has thought that the evening is going to be quiet and uneventful. Then sighs, turns back to the barman, gives him back the drink, and asks: 'Can I have some firewhiskey, please?'

Отредактировано Gilroy Brady (2020-10-17 20:20:44)



How am I? My shoulder hurts every fucking time I move my arm or lay on it funny. It’s because I helped everybody who had more serious injuries, every day, fourteen hours a day. Where were you?” I raised my voice high enough for it to be called a scene. My peers are starting to stare, probably thinking I’ve met a lover who never sent me an owl. I wish. (I guess, right now Brady wishes it too.)
To be honest, Davin barely showed his face this time as well, haunted by guilt or something, but at least he was there.
Well... you were wrong. Okay?” I run fingers through my hair and exhale loudly. “We wanted you to be where you belong. With us. Especially during such hard times. Why on earth would you think something else? I... we thought we are your family. And you didn’t even attend the service in memory of those of us who died.
I’m starting to feel a bit wobbly: a mix of being constantly stressed, kind of sick (I still take a prescribed medicine and hope it will work someday), tired, not sleeping enough in weeks, alcohol and stuffy air should’ve gotten me sooner or later. Well, it happened right now, right in the middle of a showdown between me and Brady.
We all wait for you to come home.
Oh.” I say right afterwards, suddenly feeling even worse increasingly.
I feel dizzy, there’s some kind of buzzing in my ears, and my eyes start to close. The whole body feels a bit weird, like it doesn’t actually belong to me.
I think… I might’ve been poisoned.” I say to Brady until I haven’t lost ability to speak properly… and lose my balance first.
I fall right on him, causing Brady to spill his drink, and try my best to stay conscious. I know who did this, and I have to tell Agilbert as soon as I can. I can’t say anything right now though. My mind floats away, after a short spark of a thought that Brady knows that I live with Agilbert and can contact him… in principle.



Dorian's words feel like slaps - no, like stabs in the heart. Brady goes pale, Brady suddenly doesn't know how to talk because there is something in his throat, like a rock, that takes all the place and threatens to strangle him for good. Every decision he's made, every step he's taken since November turn into the biggest mistakes of his life under this furious current of words, turn into betrayal. They've been waiting for him, the living and the dead, and he let them down. Is there any excuse he can make? Does he want to be excused at all - or, better yet, forgiven?

He tries - not that but. To explain himself at least. Although he doesn't know what he's going to say when he utters helplessly:

'Dorian, I...'

And then something happens. Something happens to Dorian.

His first thought is that his friend is just drunker than he's presumed but it's more than this and weirder, too. Dorian's eyes are glassy, his forehead looks clammy in this half-light, and all of a sudden he turns so unsteady that Brady has to catch him midfall, alarmed, his cocktail spilling all over his chest.

'What?' he asks in shock. Poisoned? The fuck?! He grabs Dorian by his shoulders, looks into his face and sees that he's barely conscious at this point, sweaty and shivering and hot. 'Dorian!' He's so freaked out he can't think of what to do; his mind goes blank and in Dorian here he sees everyone, every person from the Origins on that day, dying dying dying in his arms, right before him, and he can't do anything. No, actually he can do something tonight! Holding his friend closer to him, Brady turns to the barman and shouts at him: 'Hey! My friend's been poisoned! Call a doctor or... or something!'

At the meantime, he demands to let him through to the nearest couch and half-carries, half-leads Dorian to it, lowers him down gently.

'Hey, pal. How are you doing? Don't kick the bucket on me, alright?' he squeezes Dorian's arm and his fingers are shaking.

Отредактировано Gilroy Brady (2020-10-18 22:32:59)



My mind’s a million kilometers away. I could go (metaphorically speaking, of course) for anything and with anyone right now, so it’s a happy coincidence that the one putting me on a couch is Brady and not someone who intentionally wanted to. Agilbert’s not gonna like it, doesn’t matter if we’re fighting or not, so the guy is in a bigger trouble he can even imagine. It’s totally possible he could be literally killed.
Uh, maybe I don’t have to tell Agilbert after all.
I can’t speak – and if I could, my words would certainly not be in English, I’m not sure if I feel my limbs, and my eyes can’t focus properly. I let out a humming sound, then a groan, and that’s the most I’m capable of at the moment. I hear one of my peers talking to Brady:
What’s going on?” she asks.
What do you mean poisoned?” says the other one. “He only had a couple of drinks with us.”
I don’t know if I can move my body properly (or at all), it seems like my brain doesn’t conduct impulses anywhere correctly (or, again, at all). Surprisingly I’m still sort of conscious, however, I’m pretty sure I won’t remember anything other than that I was in the pub. it's just how the rape potions work, right?
I feel how I need to help myself to breathe, although it’s something you don’t have to think about usually. It seems like I can move my head, but my eyes are rolling so hard when I do that, I can almost see my brain.
Ugh,” I groan again, struggling to stay awake.
Dieu merci, Brady is here. I'd trust him with my own life.



It takes one look from the barman who's returned from wherever he has gone to, to understand that help's not coming - at least, not right away. So in this crowd, surrounded by the confused and worried flock of Dorian's mates, Brady finds himself completely alone - not to discount Dorian who's lying restlessly, making indistinct noises, and clearly has no intention of just magically getting better on his own.

Magic. They need some goddamn magic.

The answer is so obvious it seems like a trick - to bring him back, to lure him, make him return. But even though Dorian is a pretty good actor, to pull off that kind of knocked out would be too much even for him.

'Right, get out of the way, we're going.'

Because he can't apparate, can he? Not with Dorian in a state like this - who knows how bad the apparition process will treat him. No, he will have to do this himself and hope he has enough time.

Almost carrying his friend out of the pub, with his arm over his shoulder and legs barely moving, their height difference not much help as well, Brady thinks this - all of this - looks too much like a reckoning. Of course, it's not about him, it's about Dorian but Brady remembers Dorian's words about him being hurt during the Plague as the weight of the body of a grown-up man pulls painfully at his own wound, straining torn-up muscles and scar tissue, barely healed. What goes around comes around after all.

However, as they cross the street and turn the corner, Brady starts realising what kind of poison Dorian could have meant and the panic slowly subsides. His first thought was to fear the very worst - in his line of business, poisoning usually means the stuff that can be only cured by a bezoar stone and shit, and it's easy to forget that for others the world operates in a kind of a different way. That there are such things as food poisoning and... well, that stuff that a pretty boy like Dorian can get slipped into his drink to be made meak and unresisting. Brady blood's boils at the thought. He doesn't think he will get a clear reply but he asks anyway:

'Hey, does anyone drugged your beer or something?'

It doesn't mean it's not dangerous or urgent. It just means Dorian won't die on him, and this thought almost makes Brady sit right here on the street and cry with relief. And then head straight back to the pub and punch every motherfucker who looks too disappointed by them leaving. But who will take care of Dorian then, who will help him and bring him home?

Nah, Brady, it's your job and you'd better not screw it up this time. Brady looks at his friend's profile and says softly:

'Don't worry, I won't leave you.'

Whereupon his mind's voice adds unnecessarily, Again

The Origins' house is quiet at this kind of hour and Brady has enough feelings to battle through at the moment, confronted by all too familiar sights and smells, to wish for any real confrontation to top it all off. Besides, he knows his way around the house and he knows how to deal with problems like this as well.

It takes twenty minutes tops to work his way through the Origins' potion supplies and make a quick concoction which he carefully makes Dorian drink and then stays to watch how life and self-awareness slowly return to his friend.

The room is barely lit and smells strongly of herbs. Brady sits on an ottoman next to the couch and fidgets with the bowl of green mass in his hands. The smell triggers... all sorts of things and it's the longing, the forbidden desire to rummage through the cabinets once more and cook up something really quickly just to calm the nerves and ease the muscle pain, that makes Brady talk, just to stop the thinking:

'Funny how I should know this stuff works, right? One guy tried to slip something like that to me once but luckily I was high as a kite and only learned about it from him when he got all handsy and didn't expect me to resist, the jerk. My memory was shit in October but I thought - huh, that can come in handy again so I tried and remembered what I'd put in my potion that helped me so. I guess I was right.'

Отредактировано Gilroy Brady (2020-10-19 14:47:39)



Oh,” I say.
The furnishing reminds me of one of the rooms at the Origins. I feel dizzy and somewhat weak, as if after an intense workout. As I move one of my hands tensely it suddenly starts to sore so bad, I scream a little and twitch with my whole body. Whatever happened to me, it was wild. And it feels so awesome to be able to breathe again!
Brady?” after getting a breath, not sure if I’m seeing straight, I squint. “What happened?
Then it comes rushing back to me, as if I needed to see his face first. He hadn’t been here, at our House, for so long. I met him while having fun with my peers from school at the pub, and I yelled at him, and after that… my mind is a blank again.
Did you come home?
Well, he sure did, you bête*, he’s right here next to you.
Oh,” I say for the second time.
This guy, he handed me a beer, and I took a sip or two, and then I was barely conscious very soon. That’s what my mum always told me to avoid. And Agilbert will sure hear about this! Wait, I already had this exact thought, hadn’t I?
Alright… I can recall almost everything now,” I try to take a sitting position, but my limbs hurt in a way they would if all of them could fall asleep all of the sudden.
Geez. I’m so sorry, Gilroy,” my tongue feels like a slug in my mouth, but I still try to put some words together: “Did you take me here? Are you okay?
I’m finally able to sit myself properly, but the next thing I unfortunately have to do is to grab my shoulder and hiss because of penetrating pain. It crosses out all of the words of gratitude I wanted to mumble.
Pardon. It happens every now and then. So… how it feels being here? It’s been so long.
Oh, I'm an expert at small talks, alright? Or maybe I just feel deeply embarassed and I'm blushing already.




Slowly but surely, Dorian comes to his senses; the process takes his full attention, for now, sparing none for Brady's words and, honestly, for the better - Brady has been rambling for his own sake mostly, just to keep his mind from wandering. He is certainly glad that he has someone to answer to now - that Dorian's better.

"Some douchebag must have spiked your drink," Brady watches his friend, trying to assess his well-being although not much can be discerned in this half-light. Still, the very fact that Dorian is talking and moving certainly seems like a good sign to Brady. "If you know who it was, tell me his name, I'll slip him something nasty next time."

He avoids answering the next question - he doesn't know how. He's here for now, and as for him coming back... Surely they can talk about it, think about it some other time when none of them is freshly poisoned?

But Dorian has other ideas, as always. He tries to sit, all aching body from wounds old and new, and Brady tut-tuts at him in a fond albeit amused way, trying to support him lest he fall over.

"Really? You're asking if I'm okay, me?"

But the thing is, they both aren't, and even though the effects of the wicked potion will soon wear off, something gnaws at Dorian from long before this night, and Brady knows the source - and the pain - all too well. He swallows his first, intuitive response - "Honestly, I'm trying not to think about it right now, like, very hard" - because he owes Dorian at least that. To quit shutting it all off. To quit running. So he sighs and takes another long look around. He knows this house in and out, from the creaks of the stairs to the shape of its walls.

"Like nothing has changed," he says at last, softly. "But that's the problem, you know. Everything did."

He's quiet for a moment before he adds, dropping his gaze.

"I wasn't going to desert you all. I... I wasn't in any shape to help anyone after Mungo and then, in a few days, the charity concert happened and Wade was... well, you can imagine. He felt so responsible, I just couldn't leave him like that and... truth to tell, I felt responsible too. Still do," he swallows before looking Dorian straight in the eye. "We wouldn't be there in time for the anti-apparition barrier to drop right behind our backs if it weren't for me, you know that."

Отредактировано Gilroy Brady (2021-02-16 22:02:17)



Ah,” I say again, as if I didn’t know that. “Yeah, this happens every now and then, too. Maman always asked me to be responsible, but sometimes… I just want to hang out, you know? Apparently, it’s impossible if you’re a veela. I’m just sorry you’ve had to see that, that’s so embarrassing. I have to always watch out.
I laugh carelessly, even though my insides are hurting from physical and emotional pain this kind of situations (and right now not only this) is causing.
You’re very sweet, Gilroy, but I’ve got this, believe me. My fiancé will hit the roof when I tell him.
Leaning against the couch, I can sit almost without any effort. It’s just enough to concentrate on Brady’s feelings.
I’m sorry that you went through that. However, I still think it would’ve been better if you just came here and… well, we would have sorted it out. I mean… come on. We’re family here. Your family,” I pulled myself together to sit up straight and gave him a biggest hug I could using just one hand. “It’s time to stop blaming yourself. You know that Davin would’ve said just the same.”


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